January 366 | Metzger Mania | Rochester Lifestyle Photography

Clark playing Mario Kart for the first time. He absolutely loved it! He spent most of his time smashing into walls or driving off the course but little crazy pants loved it. Hats off to Uncle Joey, Uncle Josh + daddy who patiently assisted (and never got to finish a race because Clark kept wanting to switch characters)

We were so excited to have Uncle Joey spend his 25th birthday with us! Clark and Mimi helped decorate an extremely colorful cake. And then we realized we didn't have birthday candles... :)

Lake George Mornings. 
Not quite ready to go back to 'real life' after a wonderful 10+ days of daddy home.

'Fall'-ing Behind | Catching Up with 2015 | Rochester Lifestyle + Family Photography

Baby J's Six Month Session | Lovebug Photography | Rochester + Victor NY Photographer | Newborn, Children, Maternity, Family, Engagements, Seniors

The only word I can think of when I see this beautiful baby girl is 'doll'- she looks too perfect to be real! And what a smiley sweetheart she was, too! If you could wrap up the total package in a 6 month old I'm pretty sure it would look like this! ;)

Lots of Love,