I feel like I have a bad habit of trying to compile the photos for these monthly blogs at 10 o'clock at night when I can't think clearly enough to wittily caption them. With that being said, I apologize in advance for any and all spelling and grammar mistakes. ;)
Every weekend in February we were busy (and blessed!!) with lots of visitors. Both sets of grandparents, my Aunt Mary, and my good friend Kelly all came to bask in the warmth and sunshine of Rochester. Just kidding! They must really love us because it was nothing but cold, cold, cold! We are so grateful for the memories made. Company makes my heart happy. I just love the deep adult conversation and the playful Clarky interactions that unfold during un-rushed visits.
We were surprised and thrilled to discover that we are having a GIRL! Both Steve and I really were leaning towards 'boy' so it took a little while to process that we really get to 'think pink'! :) Steve's cute initial response was "But.. I don't know what to do with a girl!"
Pssshh he's basically Prince Charming- I know he's gonna rock it with our little princess! <3
She thinks so too- she nudged his hand today :)
(Okay, so that technically happened in March but I don't care!)
Steve has been so busy with work, drill, Clark playing, and shoveling. Endless shoveling! ;) He spent his February break with my dad constructing a mudroom. It's not quite finished but we already use it daily and love it!
Clark's been blowing me away with his independent play, increased vocabulary, ability (but not always obedience) at following directions, and his constant melting of my heart. The boy is a snuggly, huggy cuddle bear. And I love it.
He also started praying- which may be my favorite thing ever.
A typical dinner prayer goes:
"Dear God. Thank you a food. I love you. Bye. Amen" <3 <3
I've been encouraged by my wonderful moms' groups. Including a little playgroup I started up in our home. Being a stay-at-home mama in the wintertime can sometimes be lonely. These mama get-togethers refresh me with a little grown-up conversation. Plus, Clark usually loves the fresh faces (and toys!).
Steve and I also started attending a couples small group through our church. Meeting other young parents local to our new home has meant SO much to me. It's just one more step in helping us feel a bit more settled. Plus, the study is on the 5 love languages. So Steve and I have been loving on each other a little extra. Win/Win right??
Anyway, here's a few of this month's photos! Hope you and yours are staying warm and healthy! And here's hoping for a quick to arrive Springtime!! <3
Clark playing with Elmo and 'Dont' (the count). He will play with these little figurines for 20 minutes straight. (Hey! That's a long time for a 2 year old!)
This is how I got to pee one day...
Clark brought me two blocks at a time and as long as I kept building he didn't... flush the toilet/ rip out the roll of toilet paper/ climb into the sink/ destroy the rest of the house.
Playing 'Brov-ber'.
AKA reading The Monster at the End of this Book (staring Grover)
In the beginning of the month I was still excited and intrigued by all things winter.
Oh, I love frosted windows <3
But then THIS happened....
I mean just LOOK at that pile of snow on our street.
It was fun for a while.. but seriously?
I need some sunshine ;)
Our gender announcement <3 Yay!
A quick photo from Grandma & Grandpa's visit.
Or as Clark's recently referred to them: Mema and Umpa
We'll get there :)
Valentine's mantle <3 Have I mentioned how much I love having a mantle??
Working on the mudroom. All 3 boys with their drills :)
Clark helping with the project :) He really was trying. Pretty sure he's going to be a great helper one day soon!
And in true Metzger fashion my son is obsessed with 'corn'. Obsessed.
He's definitely our child <3
Once again I forgot to be in a photo this month! Next month- it's seriously my goal!!
Lots of Love,