Summer Memories : July + August 2015!

This summer was one favorites. Sure, it was brimming with transition and lack of routine- but, there was also such peace in starting each week without a nailed down schedule. Don't get me wrong- we kept ourselves very busy! But it was truly refreshing waking each morning and being able to lazily mull over what we'd like to do with our day. 

Rose is a dream. 
We hit the jackpot. 
She only fusses if something is truly wrong. She sleeps well. She smiles at you (and melts your heart). And, most amazingly of all, she barely notices that her boisterous, overly adoring brother is much louder, and a lot more hands on, than most brothers you'll find. 

Examples? It's not uncommon to discover Clark saying:
1.) 'Pretty song for sister' (blowing a recorder at her face)
2.) 'Baby sister kiss' (open-mouth smooch of her entire head) 
3.) 'Hold baby 'Osie' (we've caught him several times trying to pick her up my himself. But after some explaining he now knows how to ask for a (supervised, safe!!) turn.
4.) 'Clarky and Baby Sister night-night' (Crawling beside her, force snuggling, and usually waking her up)
5.) 'Oh no! Baby Sister's Binky!!' (This is the one we have to listen for. It means Rose has dropped her binky and her very concerned brother is attempting to assist her by (not so gently) jamming it back in. We're working on it...)

All in all, I feel overwhelmingly lucky to have Clark love on her so passionately. Although he may still be jealous for my time since Rosie arrived- he in NO WAY holds it against her. 
He, like the rest of us, is in love ;)

My parents were able to join us for 4th of July. It was wonderful to have help during the transition from one kiddo to two. One of my favorite Clarky memories to date occurred when the told us they would watch Rosie so both Steve and I could take just Clark to the fireworks. I'm sure many second time mamas struggle with a strange sense of guilt. Especially as a stay at home mom my days had always revolved around Clark. I was worried that he would feel angry/resentful/confused/hurt/etc since we brought Roselyn home. After a fun night of snuggles, snacks and fireworks Clark looked at both Steve and I and with a blissful sigh uttered two toddler words that warmed my heart and echoed in my mind all throughout the night.
"Clarky happy"
And that's all I needed to know <3 <3

And without further mushiness, here are our Summer memories :)

Clark's favorite thing to do outside is squish himself between the two doors. The skinny-mini fits! Then he presses his face against the glass and creates all kinds of goofy faces.

Snuggling with Daddy on the deck

  Sleeping Beauty <3

So this may be embarrassingly lame but I had to document my first tomato turning red! As someone who struggles to keep any and all plants alive I was practically exploding with pride when I first discovered this :)

Steve had 2 weeks of training for the National Guard so my amazing mama stepped up to the plate! She helped me clean, organize, craft, cook, and care for my kiddos. Not sure how I would've survived those weeks without her!

Early morning snuggles with Mimi. For some reason this picture tugs at my heart. I think it's because it was one of the first times she was looking at me where she was looking AT me. 

For all of Steve's two week AT I would find Clark sitting by the door asking for daddy

So we distracted him by buying him an Escalade!
Well.. kinda 

We were all glad when he finally came home. Even Rosie! ;)

 We had an awesome visit to Steve's parents. Roselyn was introduced to a Great- grandpa and two great grandmas as well as a few aunts and an uncle! We had a truly wonderful few days. Clark went fishing and tubing on Mema & Beepa's boat. We sat in on an outdoor bluegrass concert with Steve's grandparents. Steve and Clark camped out both nights. We had wonderful conversation and enjoyed just being there!

Also, Clark had an amazing time at a local amusement park. He had the run of the place for a bit and everyone took turns accompanying our little daredevil on the rides. An especially fun memory is Clark riding his first rollar coaster with Beepa :)

Here's Clark with his Beepa. And an awesomely accidental 4 generations photo!

Meeting Great-Grandma Metzger

Playing 'this little piggy'

Excited to camp out!
Each morning on the walk in Clarky would turn to Steve and say "Fun nigh-nigh!"

Dozing at Great Grandma Lesch's

Meeting Great Grandma Lesch for he first time! Clark loved playing with a stuffed cat that Grandma had. I wish I took a picture because I'm pretty sure he thought it was real.

Smiley Snuggles with Mema :)

First photo I have of just Grandpa & Rose

I love this photo <3 You can just tell that good memories are being made!

Mema & Beepa with our two little loves <3

We also were blessed by an amazing visit at 'Camp Craven'. It was so encouraging, refreshing, and just plain fun! One of my all-time favorite families. For sure. One of my favorite memories was Clark 'driving' the speedboat- full throttle! But with Claire's guidance he actually learned to drive at a (semi) reasonable speed :)

You know you're at the Cravens' when you wake up in the middle of the night and this is all you can see! :) :)

It's crazy to me that these girls were my students. I used to fit both of them on my lap. Now they're practically full blown adults-- not to mention pretty perfect babysitters! Time just flies.

What a treat to splash around with these two.


Clark was obsessed with the girls' sweet dogs. They were truly the sweetest little things. You can see Clark sitting next to his BFF Madeline. He also enjoyed 'going to the moon' in Eric's awesome couch/spaceship ;) Oh man, we definitely bring the entertainment ;).  Glad to capture some Claire cuddles too. Truly touched by how she always loves on our family. <3

And just a few with my man! :)

Back In Lake George we had a full, fun week with Mimi and Poppi. Horse races, kayaking, BBQs, campfires, fireworks. The stuff memories are made of <3

Filling up the pool for Clarky. Who was MIA because....

All he EVER wants to do is drive Poppi's truck!! haha

I love this memory. After a full day we came home and both kiddos crashed. Mimi and Poppi had their arms full <3

My mom planted a beautiful wildflower garden. I loved picking them!

Running 'with' Steve

Rosie met her Uncle Josh for the first time and- I kid you not- they were wearing matching outfits. 
Meant to be ;)

Love this bagel thief. And lazy outdoor breakfasts in Lake George

Rose on her two month 'birthday'.
I cannot imagine my life without this beauty girl.
My heart hurts I love her so much.

An example? This photo. 
You may think "Oh, a semi-cute photo of a baby yawning". 
I, on the other hand,  start tearing up while thinking "Oh my gosh! She gorgeous! 
I need to go kiss her right now!" 
Mommy-Googles is a real thing!!

So these are some of my ALL TIME favorite photos. A friend recently told us about a nearby Sunflower farm. Sunflowers are one of my favorites so I was pleasantly surprised when Steve told me we could go have a mini photo session. I'm especially grateful for pictures of me and my girl- because besides some hospital pics I didn't have any!! And now I have some that I adore <3

My main man <3

Me and my girl <3

Both of my little loves<3

Daddy's Girl <3

Baby smiles in a bath tub. Real Life. Prefect Memory <3

Bathing Beauty

Rose's blanket fell off of her swing and before I could react Clark had already raced over. He tucked her back in, cupped her face in his hands, sighed, and whispered, "Love you baby sister".
My mama heart just about exploded. <3 <3

I audibly sigh when I see this photo. Innocent, beautiful, perfect baby <3

And now I bittersweetly leave you with the first changing leaves of autumn.

Farewell, Summer. You were so, so good to us. <3

Lots of Love,