I have contemplated starting a blog for quite some time. At first I considered documenting 'normal life' for my husband while he was deployed in Afghanistan but it always came down to an issue of starting. What's 'important enough' of an event to use as the base for recording our lives? Then it hit me- our son's birth, of course! There'd be ample time to record my sweet Lovebug's every precious milestone, right?
Ha! Right after Clark was born I was such a sleep-deprived-zombie that I considered it a good day if I showered. Days where I flossed were Gold Star Days! But something exciting emerged from those groggy days. You see, I still wanted to document as much of Clark's first few months as I could. So I used pictures to tell his story. The more pictures I took the more I fell in love (both with photography and that baby with ridiculously pinch-able cheeks)! After one hundred and one Clarky photo shoots I realized I'd truly enjoy capturing others' sweet memories- and thus LoveBug Photography began! Already, each session has been so remarkably enlightening. Although I know there's still much to master, I'm so excitied to be gaining insight into something that I love! Hopefully this blog will serve as a documentary of an ever-improving craft. Thank you for joining me on this journey and let me know if you'd be interested in helping me expand my portfolio!
Lots of Love,
The picture that started it all ;)
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