Monthly Photo Challenge: October!

October was a month brimming with transition. We moved across town which involved locating new everythings- from playgrounds to pharmacies. We're still settling in and getting our bearings but we've had a lot of fun amidst the crazy. And above all we are grateful for our very many blessings.

I think October may be my favorite month. As Michael Scott puts it "Autumn is the most contemplative of seasons" ;) He's a goof- but that sentiment is true. At no other seasonal transition do I really pause and meditate on change. On how quickly life goes. How fast the seasons turn. Maybe it's because I'm a mama now and so every milestone is tainted bittersweet with knowing he'll never be this small during a season again. But there's such beauty in the pause. In studying not only Clark but all the people I love. Enjoying exactly where we are in life. This brief chapter. October always seems to be the deep breath before the holiday craziness. I see God's handiwork everywhere. It's as if He's drawing our eyes to 'the pause'. Inviting us to drink in this moment and all the beauty He has created. Just for Us. <3

And after that deep sentiment I'll transition to....  my munchkin man- crunching leaves :)
I love how he sometimes poses for me. Beauty boy <3

But obviously this was more his style ;)

Oh how I love this sweet face

 Clarky was a lion for Halloween. He 'roared' at every house and was so polite. Although occasionally he'd plant his feet and ask for "more". What a cute lil candy beggar ;)
 These were the promos for my Halloween Can Drive. It went wonderfully and I hope to make it an annual tradition!

 My current favorite view: Foliage out my window. Sunflowers on my sill. 

In my MOPS group we've been encouraging each other to share REAL moments. To not only showcase our highlight reel but let others see our behind-the-scenes. So here's my first of many 'real moments'. After a full day of play I challenged myself to walk into Clarky's destroyed playroom and see the beauty in the mess. So here it is- grateful for a toddler that loves to play. And who is (obviously not pictured) pretty great at cleaning up his toys ;)

Steve and I attended a military dining out. Wonderful to have some 'us' to and catch up with some friends we haven't seen in a while! 

 So this is straight out of my camera. I swear no editing. The trees were orange and the setting sun set the color on fire. It was stunning. I called Steve over to see and he said "Wow! That's the first thing you've called me over to look at that I thought was cool too" lol. Well, he's a trooper ;)

 Clark's been taking (gasp!!) 2 hour naps lately. If you know my child's previous aversion to sleep you'll understand my joy! This has been my happy place :)  It has been so refreshing to cuddle up by the fire with a coffee and get in The Word. I'm still loving and really encourage you to check it out!

 So this jutted out bottom lip? That's C requesting a kiss. It's the latest Clarkism that I'm obsessed with. And pasta sauce and all- we still kiss him :)

And finally, the 'me' photo. Dancing with my lovie in the kitchen. Is there anything better?


And finally I wanted to share some lyrics that have really encouraged me this month. It's from a song that I sang along with on the radio but never stopped to let the words penetrate. What a wonderful, encouraging reminder!

There will be days I lose the battle
Grace says that it doesn't matter
Because the cross already won the war

Lots of Love,

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